Wednesday, 31 January 2007

The Internet will replace TV

According to Bill Gates, TV Networks will no longer have as much control over people's entertainment in the next few years. With bandwidth limitations being surpassed, people will watch what they want, when they want, through the Internet.

DVD: An Inconvenient Truth

Scientists have been collecting and studying data regarding carbon dioxide emissions, population growth and the climate. They have issued a couple of warnings such as: When the ice of Greenland melts, it is highly probable that Europe will fall into another Ice Age within a span of ten years. Furthermore, the warmest years ever have all occurred in the last 15 years.

Simply put, if we continue the way we -- as a civilization -- are going, WE'RE TOAST.

Al Gore, the former US vice-president, has dedicated most of his life helping scientists get their message across to all of us. Finally, in his film The Inconvenient Truth, his message can get the attention it deserves. Global warming is not a political issue: It is about human survival in the next few decades.

The Inconvenient Truth is now out on DVD. Everybody must see this.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Australia: Woolworths / Safeway National Drought Action Day

The drought is hitting Australians hard. None feel it more than the families on the land…. But you can help. Tuesday January 23 is Woolworths National Drought Action Day.

By shopping at a Woolworths or Safeway supermarket on Tuesday January 23 you will provide a helping hand to those on the land, because all profits will be donated to farming families in need.

We estimate over $3 million will be raised for farming communities in need through shopping profits and donations.

Specifically, the money will be going to the Country Women's Association (CWA) (URL: for distribution to farming families in need across Australia and research into sustainable farming practices.

A large proportion of the money will be used to provide immediate support for families' household needs, including paying utility bills, buying groceries and buying fuel.

The impact of the drought is extensive with recent rainfall totals generally below average across the country.

We are aware that the money we are contributing is a small gesture but raising levels of awareness is also crucial. Shop at a Woolworths or Safeway supermarket on Tuesday January 23 and show your support for Australian farmers.

Monday, 22 January 2007

US: Hillary Clinton Is Running For President!

Have you heard about Hillary Clinton is running for the American Presidency? Her announcement starts next year's presidential race. This is major news for a few reasons: she might become the first woman to become a US President, she is the wife of Bill Clinton and she is a former First Lady.

Thursday, 18 January 2007

AU: Sheikh Hilali savages Australia

3 min 3 sec - 12/01/2007

Description: Muslim leader Sheikh Taj al-din al-Hilali has savaged Australia in an interview on Egyptian television.


The Islamic Council of Victoria's women's officer, Saara Sabbagh, said, "Statements like that set us back 10 years, but I think the wider community doesn't take him too seriously any more — we certainly don't."* The council's spokesman Waleed Aly, also added that there were Muslims among convicts sent out in the first dozen years of settlement.

Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said, "I remind Sheikh Hilali that if he doesn't like Australia or our heritage or our way of life, he doesn't have to come back".

AU: Should Australians still buy Blundstone shoes after it moves its manufacturing offshore?

Blundstones, a major Australian shoe manufacturer, has decided to move its manufacturing to Thailand or India, requiring it to lay off the workers in its plant in Tasmania. Other Australian companies who did the same with their businesses are: Yakka Jeans, Aquila Shoes, Feltex Carpets, Shared Apparel, Domestic Textile, J Boag Clothing and VOA Webco.

Of course, our initial reaction, as Australians, is to feel angry about other Australians losing their jobs to someone else overseas. With the latest case, individuals and companies have stopped buying Blundstones shoes to protest.

On the other hand, as long as Blundstones operational cost remains high in comparison to what they can be, it is very likely that they will eventually have to charge us, Australian consumers, with higher prices to be able to pay their bills. The question then is not whether we should boycott companies taking their operations overseas but rather: Will we pay higher prices for Blundstone shoes if they are displayed side-by-side with a much cheaper shoe manufactured from overseas?

Have your say: How do you feel about Blundstones taking its manufacturing overseas and what should we, as Australians, do about Australian companies moving their operations overseas?

Just post a comment below.

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a simple and non-intrusive tool for healing. Dr. Edward Bach, founder of Bach flower remedies, travelled all over England and Wales between 1930 and 1934, searching for the right flowers for the right remedies.

There are 38 remedies in total plus Rescue Remedy, which is a combination of five remedies. Each remedy covers a different mind, state, or personality type. From the 38 remedies, nearly 293 million combinations can be created to treat and heal us all, including our children, pets and plants.

How they work

Like all vibrational medicine, Bach flower remedies work to lift our vibration, allowing us to be more receptive to complete healing. Think of it as a beautiful piece of music. Allow yourself to feel into this and witness how uplifting, calming and inspiring it can be. The remedies, like the music, enter our very being, bringing us nearer to our souls, thus bringing us peace and relieving our suffering. The vibration of each flower essence, permeates us and cures us - not by attacking the negative mind state, emotion or disease, but by flooding our bodies with their beautiful song; their magnificent vibration.

The flower remedies

Dr. Bach found that the energy held within specific plants and flowers related to different emotions. Each remedy is homoeopathically prepared, is simple and very safe to use. Depending on your emotional or mental state, you would choose your Bach flower remedy according to your undesired emotional state. For example, if you were feeling fearful, you might choose Mimulus (for fear of the known) or Aspen (to treat fears and worries of unknown origin).

To treat your symptoms, look first within at your emotional and/or mental state. Then using this guide, match your state with your chosen Bach flower remedy or remedies. Choose up to four remedies - (place two drops of each chosen flower essence in distilled water and then place 4 drops directly onto the tongue, or in a small glass of water). Take at least four times daily or more often when needed.

Here are some remedies and what they can treat.

  • Rock Rose - extreme fear, panic, terror - calming effect.
  • Cherry Plum - Desperate and suicidal, fears own actions; also treats anger and negative emotions.
  • Larch - Lack of self confidence, inferiority, expectation of failure - brings sense of peace and encouragement.
  • Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibilities, feelings of inadequacy; also treats anxiety - offers greater self belief.
  • Willow - Resentment, bitterness, blaming others - allows one to forgive and forget.
  • Gorse - Utter despondency, long-term depression, and hopelessness; also treats anxiety - brings peace, encouragement and the return of hope.
  • Hornbeam - Unable to cope with daily tasks, lack of strength, "Monday-itis"; also treats anxiety and stress - brings greater sense of enthusiasm.
  • Centaury - Easily influenced and subservient to others, unable to say "No" to others and feeling taken for granted - brings quiet inner strength, able to stand up for oneself while still being a gentle, helpful person.
  • Holly - Jealously, envy, hatred, suspicion - brings forgiveness and love.
  • Chicory - Self indulgent, self pity, selfishly possessive, demands attention - allows us to enjoy company of family and friends, and to be mothering without resentment.
  • Vervain - Unable to relax, overly enthusiastic, poor sleep, extreme mental anxiety - calming effect and allows one to look after one's own needs.
  • Water Violet - Aloof, proud, desire to be alone - allows us to enjoy our own company and companionship of others.
  • Honey Suckle - Lives in the past; also treats repressed emotions - allows mind to reflect on past and focus on the present and future.
  • Olive - Physical and mental exhaustion - restores energy.

Rescue Remedy

A combination of five Bach Flower Remedies used in emergency situations for example; car accidents, exam nerves, nightmares, birthing, sudden terror, shock or panic includes:

  • Star of Bethlehem - for shock
  • Rock Rose - for terror
  • Cherry Plum - for hysteria, panic and loss of mental control
  • Impatiens - irritability and agitation, often accompanying pain
  • Clematis - for stunned or bemused state of mind, faintness

Please note: Rescue Remedy does not replace emergency medical attention; it can help ease emotional effects, thus restoring balance.


This article was written by Connie Vella. Connie is a Bach Flower Practitioner, Holistic Counsellor and Founder & CEO of The EarthQuest Institute. Connie can be contacted on or visit her website for further information, products and services on Flower Remedies.

2006 was the hottest year in the US

Adding on to the issue of global warming, the year 2006 was the warmest in the United States since they began keeping records 112 years ago. (Source)

Terrorist to blow up 'nuclear place'

An alleged terrorist bought five stolen army rocket launchers and said, in a Sydney court, he would have used them to blow up the "nuclear place" and Parliament House (Source).

Now, federal police fear that five stolen rocket launchers believed to be in the hands of a terrorist group are in Melbourne. (Source).

Monday, 8 January 2007

Welcoming Nancy Comelab

We love to welcome Nancy Comelab as a guest writer to the Yipeyay Newsblog. We would also like to thank her for her post on global warming. Nancy is a talented graphic artist who produces beautiful scrapbooking layouts, kits and products designed solely to beautify and immortalise the memories of your photographs. Read her blog and See Nancy Work.

Friday, 5 January 2007

Global Warming Is Real!

"Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet's climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced - a catastrophe of our own making." Source:

Our planet needs our help. Our children need our help. For years we have been abusing this glorious planet we live on, taking for granted all the beauty and wonder that has been given to us.

But we have the power to make a difference! Small changes to our daily routines can add up to big changes in helping to stop global warming.

Here are 10 steps that will have a dramatic impact on the amount of Carbon Dioxide that gets emitted into the Ozone, causing Global Warming:

Change a light
Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds (68 kg) of carbon dioxide a year.

Drive less
Walk, bike, carpool or take public transport more often. you'll save one pound (0.45 kg) of carbon dioxide for every mile (1.6 km) you don't drive!

Recycle more
You can save 2,400 pounds (1,089 kg) of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.

Check your tires
Keeping your tires inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3, keeping up to 20 pounds (9. kg) of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere!

Use less hot water
It takes a lot of energy to heat water. Use less hot water by installing a low flow shower head and washing your clothes in cold or warm water.

Avoid products with a lot of packaging
You can save 1,200 pounds (544 kg) of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%

Adjust your thermostat
Moving your thermostat 2 degrees down in winter and 2 degrees up in summer could save about 2,000 pounds (907 kg) of carbon dioxide a year.

Plant a tree
A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

Turn off electronic devices
Simply turning off the main switch of your television, DVD player, stereo and computer when you're not using them will save you thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year!

After reducing your emissions you can do even more by going "carbon neutral." By supporting clean renewable energy, you can effectively neutralize your personal CO2 emissions. Your small investment will ensure that for every ton of carbon dioxide you are emitting, a ton of carbon dioxide will not be released into the atmosphere. Check your local energy supplier for more information on Green Energy!

This really is just a small, simple step for man, but a GIANT leap for mankind.

Click here to read more about An Inconvenient Truth and what you can do to make a difference!

Nancy Comelab

Thursday, 4 January 2007

AU: Government Departments Have Been Wasting Water

Certain Government departments have increased their water consumption while most of us are trying to save water as best we can. As a whole, the Government, increased their water consumption by 25% in the past financial year i.e. 137 million litres of water.

The Department of Education and Training was the worst offender by almost doubling its usage.

We would like to congratulate The Department of Sustainability and Environment, however, because it was the only department to cut its water use: by 6.1 million litres.

(Fact source: The Age)

What is your reaction to this news?

We Want You To Have Your Say

Attention readers: We want to give you the opportunity to express your thoughts and ideas about the issues that confront our society and way of life.

We will be posting general news items or issues and ask for your input. If you feel strongly about the subject matter, do not hold back. We want you to have your say and you can even do so whilst remaining anonymous. You do not need to be an invited guest writer or journalist to comment on the articles and posts submitted here.

Just a few rules:

We all have opinions. There are stories, issues and opinions that might anger you. We ask that you post with as cool a head as possible. Respect other people, their ideas and their opinions. We do not want swearing or name-calling here because even young kids know better.

What awaits in 007 for the Bond in us all

I want to thank the founders of Yipeyay for the invitation to contribute on this exciting new venture.

2007 is the year that will be one of the ultimate in James Bond gadgetry. Whilst many are still excitedly pandering and pawing over their new acquisitions from Santa in 2006, the year of 007 is promising to introduce some exciting new changes in how we view & use mobile phones.

Bond gadgets have always been the epitome of converged devices as they always seem to have the right function for the right moment for Bond's hectic lifestyle. Whilst activating a laser cutter or driving your car by your mobile isn't practical for the everyday, there are many new and exciting functions that can assist us in our day to day activities whether in pleasure or business.

007 will be an explosive year for the mobile industry in Australia as there is fierce competition by the mobile networks to win over customers. That competition means, more fun gadgets, more enticing services and all for a whole lot less from your back pocket.

Shane Williamson

Welcoming Shane Williamson

We are happy to have Shane Williamson as a guest writer on the Yipeyay Newsblog. Shane Williamson is a 'Convergence Evangelist': he's the man to talk to about personal and 3G mobiles. Visit his personal blog at Windows Live Spaces and at Blogger.

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

AU: It is warming faster in Australia

"Australia appears to be suffering from an accelerated Greenhouse effect, with the pace of global warming faster across the country than in other parts of the world, climatologists say." - Source: The Age

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Attention Bloggers, Writers & Journalists:

We are calling for people who would like to post news, announce events or stimulate discussions relevant to Yipeyay users. If you want to be creative and post stories or write poems that's fine too.

We do not reward you financially but if people find what you write interesting then they will want to know more about you. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard, demonstrate your expertise, your knowledge and your creativeness. It is a terrific way to promote yourself, your business, your blog or website to the rest of the world.


You do not need experience in writing, blogging or journalism. You can submit as little or as much as you like.

How To Apply:

If you are interested in becoming a blogger/writer/journalist for this news blog, please let us know at In your email tell us something about you and what type of subjects or topics you would like to contribute. We will send you an invitation email with instructions. You will be posting in no time!

AU Event: A Midsummer Night's Dream

For those of you who love theatre:
Title: A Midsummer Night's Dream
WhereLocation:Royal Botanic Gardens. Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra
When:29 December 2006 to 24 March 2007
Phone Bookings:136 100
Details:Tue-Sun, 8.30pm.