Thursday, 11 January 2007

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a simple and non-intrusive tool for healing. Dr. Edward Bach, founder of Bach flower remedies, travelled all over England and Wales between 1930 and 1934, searching for the right flowers for the right remedies.

There are 38 remedies in total plus Rescue Remedy, which is a combination of five remedies. Each remedy covers a different mind, state, or personality type. From the 38 remedies, nearly 293 million combinations can be created to treat and heal us all, including our children, pets and plants.

How they work

Like all vibrational medicine, Bach flower remedies work to lift our vibration, allowing us to be more receptive to complete healing. Think of it as a beautiful piece of music. Allow yourself to feel into this and witness how uplifting, calming and inspiring it can be. The remedies, like the music, enter our very being, bringing us nearer to our souls, thus bringing us peace and relieving our suffering. The vibration of each flower essence, permeates us and cures us - not by attacking the negative mind state, emotion or disease, but by flooding our bodies with their beautiful song; their magnificent vibration.

The flower remedies

Dr. Bach found that the energy held within specific plants and flowers related to different emotions. Each remedy is homoeopathically prepared, is simple and very safe to use. Depending on your emotional or mental state, you would choose your Bach flower remedy according to your undesired emotional state. For example, if you were feeling fearful, you might choose Mimulus (for fear of the known) or Aspen (to treat fears and worries of unknown origin).

To treat your symptoms, look first within at your emotional and/or mental state. Then using this guide, match your state with your chosen Bach flower remedy or remedies. Choose up to four remedies - (place two drops of each chosen flower essence in distilled water and then place 4 drops directly onto the tongue, or in a small glass of water). Take at least four times daily or more often when needed.

Here are some remedies and what they can treat.

  • Rock Rose - extreme fear, panic, terror - calming effect.
  • Cherry Plum - Desperate and suicidal, fears own actions; also treats anger and negative emotions.
  • Larch - Lack of self confidence, inferiority, expectation of failure - brings sense of peace and encouragement.
  • Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibilities, feelings of inadequacy; also treats anxiety - offers greater self belief.
  • Willow - Resentment, bitterness, blaming others - allows one to forgive and forget.
  • Gorse - Utter despondency, long-term depression, and hopelessness; also treats anxiety - brings peace, encouragement and the return of hope.
  • Hornbeam - Unable to cope with daily tasks, lack of strength, "Monday-itis"; also treats anxiety and stress - brings greater sense of enthusiasm.
  • Centaury - Easily influenced and subservient to others, unable to say "No" to others and feeling taken for granted - brings quiet inner strength, able to stand up for oneself while still being a gentle, helpful person.
  • Holly - Jealously, envy, hatred, suspicion - brings forgiveness and love.
  • Chicory - Self indulgent, self pity, selfishly possessive, demands attention - allows us to enjoy company of family and friends, and to be mothering without resentment.
  • Vervain - Unable to relax, overly enthusiastic, poor sleep, extreme mental anxiety - calming effect and allows one to look after one's own needs.
  • Water Violet - Aloof, proud, desire to be alone - allows us to enjoy our own company and companionship of others.
  • Honey Suckle - Lives in the past; also treats repressed emotions - allows mind to reflect on past and focus on the present and future.
  • Olive - Physical and mental exhaustion - restores energy.

Rescue Remedy

A combination of five Bach Flower Remedies used in emergency situations for example; car accidents, exam nerves, nightmares, birthing, sudden terror, shock or panic includes:

  • Star of Bethlehem - for shock
  • Rock Rose - for terror
  • Cherry Plum - for hysteria, panic and loss of mental control
  • Impatiens - irritability and agitation, often accompanying pain
  • Clematis - for stunned or bemused state of mind, faintness

Please note: Rescue Remedy does not replace emergency medical attention; it can help ease emotional effects, thus restoring balance.


This article was written by Connie Vella. Connie is a Bach Flower Practitioner, Holistic Counsellor and Founder & CEO of The EarthQuest Institute. Connie can be contacted on or visit her website for further information, products and services on Flower Remedies.

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