Genre: Business
Title: Creating a Million Dollar a Year Sales Income
Author: Paul McCord
Paul McCord has excelled as a salesman, trainer and manager in the financial services industry. This experience has led to the publication of this book, a guide for referral sales. Paul has researched and developed a deep understanding for the psychology of the referral business.
Written like a lecture, the book takes the reader step by step from “Why Salespeople Fail” to “Networking for Referrals”. Easy to understand, yet comprehensive the guide is filled with tips and lessons for the new and the experienced sales person.
Most salespeople have a misguided view of the sales referral. It is not about the name and phone number that someone passed you on a napkin during your lunch-a name and number that will probably never come to fruition. It is about how to get a referral from your clients. How to make the client realize exactly what kind of referral you are looking for and how to use the referrals to your best advantage. Paul tells readers to make referrals a part of their business-on the business card, the phone message, the advertising. He guides the student through the process gently yet effectively bringing better understanding to the entire referral database.
The lessons in the book include a workbook that students can use to answer some common questions and help develop their own success with referrals. The book makes reference to and encourages that readers visit the, and More information and support material is available at all of these sites.
Salespeople from every industry will find this a useful and comprehensive sales referral guide. Chapter after chapter of excellent advice that dispels myth and rumor related to referral selling. Reviewer: Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review suggests you pick up a copy today. You too can become a successful salesperson using referrals to build your business.
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Title: Creating a Million Dollar a Year Sale Income
Author: Paul McCord
Publisher: Wiley Publishing
ISBN: 97804070-045497
Pages: 202
Price: 19.95
Jan. 2007
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