Friday, 23 February 2007

The Power of Online Classified Advertising

By Edeh Chijioke

Classified advertising is a form of advertising that is usually textually based, often seen in newspapers, and can consist of as little as the type of item or product being offered for sale. It can also have a telephone number to call for more or further information related to the product, a name to contact, an address to contact or visit, and detailed description of the product or products. There are generally no pictures or other graphics within the advertisement, even though sometimes a logo may be used.

Classified advertising is called such because it is generally grouped or categorized within the publication under headings classifying the products or services being offered (headings such as health, automobiles, internet marketing, clothing, real estate, shopping, etc.) and is grouped entirely in a distinct section of the newspaper which makes it distinct from display advertising, which often contains graphics or other art work and which is more typically distributed throughout a publication adjacent to editorial content.

Internet or online classified advertising or ads do not typically use per-line pricing model, so they tend to be longer than the printed classified ads in newspapers and other periodicals such as magazines. Online classified ads are also more readily searchable unlike the offline or printed classified ads. And tend to be local classifieds with a great sense of urgency because of their daily structure. Some companies offer free online classified ads internationally because of their self-policing nature and low cost structures. Some companies focus mainly on regional areas, while others blanket urban centers by using zip codes.

The main point is that no matter how powerful and important your online product is no body will know about it if there isn’t any advertisement to show that the product really exists on the internet. This is exactly where classified advertising comes in. There are many products in the same niche as your products. That is, you have many competitors fighting for the same space with you and the earlier you find out that such competitions exists the better for you. Every business, particularly online business is at the mercy of advertising. The more you advertise the more you generate traffic. And your classified ads must be better than your opponents’ if you really want to be above them in terms of getting more of the targeted customers into your web sites. The classified advertisements should be able to describe what exactly the product is intended to do or the problem it tends to solve. An example of classified advertisement is as follows: “Learn the Easiest, Simplest and newest Way to Start Making Money Online in Just 2 Minutes! Visit now!!

Edeh Chijioke is an Internet Marketer and a Research Reporter on Various Internet Marketing phenomena such as Search Engine Optimization, Viral Marketing, Adsense, Copywriting, etc. For Details Visit Now!

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