Wednesday, 21 February 2007

The Entrepreneur's Roadmap To Easy Street And Business Success

By Tino Buntic

The directions to Easy Street are quite complicated. You cannot always get there and not all roads lead to Easy Street. But, take heart in knowing that there are at least a few successful entrepreneurs living right in your very own town that have found Easy Street and know exactly how to get there. Some will be kind enough to give you directions and some won't.

Business success often leads to Easy Street. But how do you get there? Rand McNally has never published a roadmap to get there. The best way to get there is to get directions from successful entrepreneurs that have already been there, entrepreneurs like:

  • Richard Branson: Richard Branson, of Virgin, believes that rules were made to be broken. He thinks that you should not follow conventional wisdom in business.
  • Michael Dell: Michael Dell believes entrepreneurs should be willing to experiment and also willing to fail. Too many people are too afraid of failure. Also, Dell suggests to look for ideas and to look for breakthroughs.
  • Wayne Huizenga: Wayne Huizenga, founder of three Fortune 500 companies, believes that execution is more important than the idea. There are so many good business ideas but you have to be able to execute to succeed.
  • John Johnson: John Johnson, founder of Ebony Magazine, would get angry whenever he encounters a barrier. He says that he would cry and curse. But then he gets a ladder and climbs over it.
  • Ray Kroc: Ray Kroc, of McDonalds, believes that you should take your business more seriously than anybody else.
  • Howard Schultz: Howard Schultz, of Starbuck's, has one word to describe what separates winners from the pack - persistence.
  • Sam Walton: Sam Walton, of Wal-Mart, believes in sharing your profits with all of your associates and also treating them as partners.
  • Andrew Carnegie: Andrew Carnegie, of Carnegie Steel Company, emphasizes the importance of self-improvement, knowing your talents, and being kind.
There's no better way to learn to be a successful entrepreneur than to learn from successful entrepreneurs, themselves. The above entrepreneurs give hints as to the location of Easy Street. Now, if they would only give us the zip code, we’d be able to look it up on Mapquest.

Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide free B2B and B2C sales leads without cold calling to business professionals and entrepreneurs across The United States and Canada.

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