There are various methods by which you can make money on the internet without building your own website. The following information provides an overview of three such methods.
For starters, you have the "free" websites which you see offered all over the World Wide Web (WWW). You see everywhere: grab your free website and start making money today! Of course, it is not as simple as all the hyped sales pieces would have you believe. But hey, it's free and you have nothing to lose. Or, do you?
Another method is to purchase a site for a small set-up charge, and perhaps a monthly fee. Set-up charges and fees vary widely depending on the type of product or service the site will promote. For example, there are merchandise sites that you can get for a yearly fee of under $100 and no monthly charge. These sites allow you to offer anywhere from a few items to several thousand items of merchandise, and to determine your own percentage as a profit.
A third method by which you can make money on the internet without building your own website involves the use of videos. The theory is to create many videos and simultaneously host them on dozens of sites. Naturally, you must offer a good product or service in order to convert traffic (viewer ship) into sales.
And, you must make certain that your videos are not soon outdated. The good news is that you can find ways, or utilize services, to automate major portions of the creating, editing, and uploading process.
After all is said and done, any method you use to make money on the internet without building a website involves understanding a basic process.
Finally, believe it or not, there is also another process by which you put into practice what you have come to understand. Although this may sound far-out or difficult, it really is quite simple.
Best wishes, for a better success, starting today.
Samuel Thompson is author of, a four-page mini-site on how to make money on the internet without building a website.
>> Where do I buy and sell products and promote services without a website?
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