Friday, 16 February 2007

Your Young Astronomer Will Love a Kids Telescope

By William Wilson

If your youngster is showing interest in stargazing and astronomy, a kids telescope can get them started with their new hobby without a large investment. Realize that a kids telescope is not a toy, but a fully functioning beginner telescope without all the advanced features.

Giving your youngster a kids telescope will let them know that you support their interest in astronomy and see it as a worthwhile endeavor. A real telescope, even without all the features, can give your child or grandchild a head start in learning about the universe and star systems.

Investing in a Kids Telescope

While you can purchase a child telescope for under $25, these are really more of a toy than a functioning astronomy telescope. A real basic beginner telescope can be purchased for around $100 and can provide the young astronomer with a gateway to the heavens. If you wish to invest a little more, a good starter telescope with some of the more advanced features, will cost anywhere from $200 to $300. This will provide your youngster with a quality piece of stargazing equipment.

As the child’s interest grows, an investment in a more sophisticated telescope model might be appropriate. For instance, many young astronomers enjoy having the capability to photograph certain star formations or passing comets.

Tips for Buying the Right Child Telescope

Many astronomers and educators recommend a telescope with a longer focal length and separate viewer. This allows the child to find objects much easier and reduces the frustration that can result for the novice astronomer.

There are many cheaper models that offer a focal length of only 30mm or 50mm and will provide a more generalized view of the night sky. However, if you want a telescope that will provide a more detailed picture of the planets, moon and constellations, a 70mm or higher focal length is strongly recommended.

Kids telescopes are available from a number of top-rate optics companies like Meade, Celestron, Bushnell, Orion and many others. Even the Discovery Channel offers an affordable 70mm lens kids telescope with easy set-up and easy-to-use features.

Meade provides some of the best telescopes on the market today and caters to the amateur astronomer – from beginner to expert levels. For example, a 1000mm focal length telescope with photographic capabilities can be purchased for about $150. This is an excellent choice for the new astronomer because it provides a very good view of the heavens and shows details of the planets and moon that are generally not found with a telescope in this price range. An added bonus is that a 35mm camera can be attached to this telescope that allows your child to preserve those special night sky views on film.

How to Use a Kids Telescope

Reading the instructions for your child’s new telescope can’t be stressed enough. Even the basic kids’ telescopes can be confusing to use the first few times. It is advisable for the parent to read through the instruction manual and help the child astronomer learn the basics of the telescope’s operating features.

A great way to enhance your child’s interest in astronomy is to view the night skies together. There is no better way to bond with your child than by enjoying the same hobbies and actively pursuing them together.

A kids telescope can open up a whole new exciting world to your youngster. It can broaden their understanding of the universe and allow them to be a part of the cosmos beyond just this planet. Why not invest in your child by getting them a kids telescope for fun, education, and a true bonding experience.

Learn more about a kids telescope by visiting where you will find tips on buying a beginner telescope for your young astronomer.


>> Where do I buy or sell new or used telescopes?
Buy and sell new or used telescopes in Australia or US at Yipeyay.Com!

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