Saturday, 3 March 2007

The Invisible Path to Success - A Book Review

By H. Tim Sevets

Many books have been written around the concept of asking the universe for what you want and then allowing that desire to manifest itself. In The Invisible Path to Success, Robert Scheinfeld takes that idea and gives it some interesting twists that should appeal to many seekers.

Rather than view the universe as some huge magic black box that will answer our wishes if we only ask correctly, Scheinfeld asks us to consider it as an extraordinarily complex web in which every part is connected to every other part. For purposes of manifestation, the key aspect of this is our interconnectedness with all other human beings. All of us, he says, are constantly communicating with one another at an invisible, subconscious level.

So here we are, all of us, sending signals from mind to mind to mind, whether we're aware of it or not. Therein lies the key to fulfilling our fondest desires. He recommends taking advantage of that web of minds by composing "classified ads" asking for exactly what we want, and then "inserting" those ads into the network to be passed along until they reach just the person or persons who can answer it.

Scheinfeld offers a number of techniques for creating and sending those little wish-ads. For example, he describes writing out the ads on paper and placing the paper in a "wizard box" as one such technique. (There are other ways to work this ad idea, but this is one of his favorites.)

Another concept important to The Invisible Path to Success is that each of us has an "inner director" who is ready, willing and able to carry out our instructions for getting in touch with the people and resources we need to achieve our desires. If we give clear, unambiguous instructions to this director from the outset, he/she will take it from there. In other words, we need not fret or worry about whether or not things will work out; our director will make sure that they do.

There are some good ideas here for anyone embarked on the path of conscious creation. As Scheinfeld assures us, with this book you can finally relax and "[t]rust that you'll get what you asked for – or something even better."

The Invisible Path to Success is published by Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Inc., of Charlottesville, Virginia; ISBN # 1-5714-083-X.

H. Tim Sevets is books editor for the Solid Gold Info Writers Consortium, where he specializes in objective reviews of the top money-making reports available over the Web. Recently, he reviewed an e-book that claims to show how to make money by tearing up old books and magazines and selling them on eBay. Read his opinion at

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