Wednesday, 14 March 2007

My Top Ten Tips to Keep Your Man Interested

By Gina Michelle

1. Don't Suffocate Your Man
I don't mean he should go out to the pub every night without you as this would not be fair to you, but men (and women) do need a certain amount of freedom.

2. Always Keep A Little Of Yourself Back
A certain element of mystery keeps it fresh and is challenging. Let him have enough that he's secure, but not too much that you appear boring or too available!

3. Tell Him You Love Him At Least Once A Day
Men really are big babies on the whole, and it makes them feel special.

4. Bodily Functions Are a Definite Turn-Off
Passing wind and belching are very unattractive, and going to the toilet in front of your man really is not necessary. Sharing should not extend to these habits!

5. Don't Let Yourself Go
This has nothing to do with weight or size - lets face it we come in all packages and who determines what's sexy and what's not. I'm talking about keeping yourself and your hair clean and presentable. This will not only make you feel better about yourself, but also shows that you still care enough to be bothered. You don't have to get all tarted up around the house, just make an effort to look nice and fresh.

6. Be Spontaneous
Don't be afraid to try something new and exiting - find out your mans innermost sexual fantasies and surprise him - he'll love it and you'll probably enjoy it too. This really helps to keep things spicy.

7. Buy Some Really Sexy Lingerie
It will make you feel hot and sexy, and your man will find it irresistible! There are so many sexy and fun styles available on the market right now you'll be spoilt for choice. Look at some lingerie websites with your man - you can have fun choosing it together without subjecting him to the embarrassment of high street shops.

8. Be Good Friends
Listen to each other, have fun and laugh a lot.

9. Keep The Moaning To A Minimum
Moaning really infuriates men so if you have to, moan to your best friend instead.

10. Show An Interest In His Hobbies
You don't have to take them up yourself, just appear to be interested!

Many thanks for reading - now go forth, apply my rules, and keep your man interested!! Or for those of you trying to get rid of him - just do the opposite!!

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