Sunday, 4 March 2007

Meet Your Insurance Needs through the Classifieds

By Elizabeth Newberry

For many of us, the classifieds are those few pages of our local newspaper that list apartments for rent, houses for sale, help wanted ads, and litters of kittens to give away. Some classifieds have huge, half-page ads taken out by car dealerships across the area, and most often you will find a local business or three advertising certain services.

However, the classifieds can help you do some shopping, too. You know, aside from finding your daughter a kitten for her birthday. Many, if not all, of your local insurance agencies, as well as independent insurance agents, have probably placed ads in the classifieds section of your newspaper advertising their services. This is helpful for those of you searching for some kind of insurance, whether it is homeowner’s, automobile, health, or life insurance. It is also helpful in reminding those of you who aren’t searching for insurance that you should be searching for insurance.

Classifieds are not just limited to newspapers, though. There are many online classifieds, too, aside from the classifieds found in the online version of your local newspaper, or even newspapers throughout your state. Your area may have a Web site or two that offers classifieds-type services. If so, you will most likely find advertisements for insurance agencies as well. You can even find online classifieds covering your region and state, as well as the entire country. Some of these classifieds are guaranteed to have a couple of advertisements placed by insurance agencies and insurance agents, and a few of them may even be of interest to you, depending on your particular insurance needs.

So, the next time you are in the market for insurance, whether it is homeowner’s, automobile, health, or life insurance, don’t limit your search to the couple of insurance agencies your family members, friends and co-workers use. Remember to check your classifieds, both print and online. You never know what you might find.

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