These marketing tips aren’t for the weak at heart. Use discretion and know where the ego and self-promotion boundary stands for you.
1. Use a fold over business card. Place your book information inside the fold. The title on the bottom side of the fold so it is seen first when the card is opened. Only one book to sell right now, no problem. To fill up the page, add the book’s tag line or this book is about paragraph. On the top of the fold, list three places the book can be purchased.
2. When you are paying your bills, slip one of your fold over business cards inside.
3. Hand your card out to everyone you have a conversation with. Whether it’s the server, a desk or grocery store clerk, or anyone else. This isn’t boasting, this is marketing. I’ve done this on many trips it always increased my mailing list and sales in big ways.
4. When you tell others about your topic and they ask for a tip. Give them two and then tell them what chapter they can find more in. If your card lists several books, circle the book that continues to give them more tips.
5. Always carry one of your books in your hands, cover facing out, wherever you go. Even parties. Keep a dozen books, protected well for frequent shifts and temperature changes, inside your car. Not the trunk.
6. Wear a T-shirt with a copy of the book’s cover on the back and your URL at the bottom and on the front. Or list’s’s URL if you prefer. Get T-shirts for the rest of the family too. When the whole family is wearing one in an unusual color the information will always get inquiries.
7. Create Get a member page and profile on and the other online booksellers. Know and understand member profiles on ( On Amazon, select help and type in member profile. Be on Amazon’s bestseller list. Sell any damaged books in Marketplace on Amazon.
Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: blog:
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